Two new Online Articles

I had two articles published online recently, but was too consumed with preparations for the Society of Biblical Literature’s Annual Meeting to remember to post about them. Here they are for your perusal, better late than never!

The first is a short piece at on the scene in which Jacob deceives his father Isaac to receive the blessing meant for his Brother Esau. If you’ve ever found this episode a bit hard to believe, you’re not alone. Many ancient and modern interpreters have hypothesized hidden factors that make it more plausible, but in the end this (and other biblical stories about blind people) reveal more about the literary meanings attached to blindness than about blindness itself.

The second is a pedagogical write-up at Ancient Jew Review, based on my blog series “Abortion,the Bible, and Us” from last year. If you or anyone you know is looking for lesson ideas for undergrads in biblical or religious studies, this might be a good place to start!

Enjoy, and as always, let me know what you think!

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